Victory in the Stars

Freedom is a right, and a gift. Use it wisely, kindly and with purpose to live the best and most peaceful life. Let your visions lead you to Victory in the Stars. Yoga guides us to find perspective on how to live a more mindful and calm life. To be brave and courageous to be the best version of ourselves, or at least better than the day before, one day at a

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Japanese Legend

Legend tells and told in many versions that Mikao Usui lived in Japan from 1868 to 1926 and was extremely instrumental in introducing the concept of Rei-Ki. He studied medicine, psychology and religion as he traveled to Europe and China, and possibly the US.  Usui experienced the ability to use our hands and intention as powerful healing tools after long and deep meditations. He experienced forms of divine guidance to facilitate improvement of energy imbalances

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Meet Your Powerful Energy Body

Meet your amazing Luminescent Energy Body (LEB). The more connected you are with your bioelectrical magnetic fields and body, the more quality and quantity you may expect for life. These fields you may know as your aura, meridians, chakras and nadis. They are pathways for vital energy to be in motion to travel in all directions as it’s meant to, versus stagnant or depleted in areas.  We offer two powerful and

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Read, Restore, Reflect

Svadhyaya in Sanskrit means Self-study. It is one of our Niyamas, behaviors we observe and strive to adopt into our lives as good practice for personal growth and a better way to live. When we explore with open minds through resources available to us, like books or knowledge and wisdom shared by others, then reflect on what it means to us, it’s a form of self-study.  When we fuse learning with pranayama/breath control, asana/yoga postures,

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Words of Affirmation = Love Language #1

I previously revealed my two primary Love Languages, Acts of Service & Quality Time. Let’s discover the #1 Love Language, Words of Affirmation of Gary Chapman’s traditional five languages. I wish to show my love with honest and heartfelt words of love for these two special women who have made us feel loved. Last week was bittersweet as we said, See you later to Natalie Bennett and Sally Walker as they moved out of state to pursue new and

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Change Chaos into Calm

No one in the world has been unscathed by the past few years and more recent events near and afar. From dis-ease, natural disasters, family and financial matters, global conflicts, and more. Yogis and Lightworkers know that we have protection and healing Energy Tool Kits for times in need.  Daily self-care and routine rituals known as Dinacharya in Arurveda prevent and help heal chaos in the body and mind as we’ve learned

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Maily’s Massages, Ahimsa & Aparigraha

I asked Maily, our gifted Massage Therapist to write this blog with me to inspire more mind-body self care and understanding of the full benefits of massage, and her approach to personalized treatments. Surrender is necessary to let her do her “magical work.” In yoga, self-care and love is practicing Ahimsa, surrender of attachments is Aparigraha. When we let go of unnecessary things that don’t serve us like negative past, or

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Hello September, Hello Kristen!

Hello September, Hello Kristen! I hope you enjoyed our 2 Cents Summer Share Stories. Special thanks to all those who submitted and hope you enjoyed your $25 Fusion credit. Now we move into September News. This month is National Yoga Awareness Month! I would like to introduce Kristen Bitonte who not only is this week’s news contributor, but also the wonderful designer of our recent months’ Social Media creations. She has done a great job

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Suzan’s 2 Cents & Fusion’s First Student

ABOVE is Suzan in her front row PINK shirt at Xayleen’s Tuesday, every week! BELOW her happy Fusion smile and proudly displaying her Reiki Certificate on the back right! Suzan was our very FIRST Fusion student 9 ½ years ago when my vision became clear on the energy and focus for our special place. I know Suzan was and is instrumental in seeing us still here after all these years.

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