Spring Time for Bees!

Spring or Vernal Equinox is Wednesday as our sun passes over our earth’s equator creating equal day and night. Sunrise is due east, sunset due west. Our daylight time becomes longer, our weather warms, our plants and flowers flourish and our bees thrive with the hive! Our pollinator bumblebee is necessary for plant life, therapeutic honey production. The vibration of their wings, up to 130 times per second, spreads the pollen

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ABC Power for Our Sun

To get our bodies warmed through breath and movement to honor our life-giving Sun, we reviewed a basic Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar), also known as a Sun A that included a Sun Breath (Half Sun-Salutation) sequence. It includes a flow sequence of Plank, a backbend like Cobra or Upward Facing Dog, and a Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana).  Here’s two more great Surya Namaskar options, B & C to advance the sequences. I’m a visual learner so maybe

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Salutations For Our Sun

I love doing anything to enjoy the Sun, it feeds my Soul and where I think “Solar” derived from originally. Without it’s heat, our earth freezes, without it’s light eventually we perish physically, and decline emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Remember how we all felt this winter with El Nino weather patterns and the lack of sunshine? Surya Namaskar helps us ignite our Solar Plexus, rain or shine!  Yoga Sun Breaths and Sun Salutations, Surya (Sun) Namaskar (salute or greeting) are

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The Power of Eye Yoga

Practice Eye Yoga for eye wellness and protect your vision as you see the beauty of life! Eyes are known as Windows of Our Soul. When we rate the value of our senses, vision often leads the way. Our eyes show us light or darkness, various colors, textures, dimensions, movement and more. When meeting others or even places, we often use our eyes to connect on various levels. Are they friendly, happy, concerned,

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We Want Your Two Cents

You have likely heard this phrase before, “Give me your 2 cents” referring to giving one’s opinion.   This summer I want YOUR 2 cents. Let’s hear from you on various topics, which may then be our future Fusion Theme of the Week, and potentially enlighten others. Reply to this email or send to us at info@fusionyogawellness.com with “2 Cents” in the subject. When and if your idea/opinion is selected to be used in our weekly blog, you will earn $25 for your

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Round and Round We Go!

Turns out you can Hoola without the Hoop!  Fusion Yoga Teacher Natalie demonstrates circumduction.Our final of the Super Six Spinal Movements, Circumduction! I recently learned that this is actually a 6th one last year during my Costa Rica Advanced 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. Most yoga schools teach only 5 spinal movements which we have covered: Axial Extension/Lengthening, Lateral/Side Bends, Axial Rotation/Twists, Flexion/Folds and Backbends.  Circumductions, Bharmanasana in Sanskrit, creates rotation of our entire spine in

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When Backwards is Good!

Common Backbend Poses as demonstrated by our most recent Fusion Yoga Teacher Graduates, descriptions below. Embrace the Backbend for good spinal health! Backbends are energizing, hip, chest and heart openers, increase oxygen to the body, strengthen our back body, and help us focus. They are great counterposes for our Forward Bends/Flexion Spinal Movement which compress the frontal spine, as backbends compress the back side of the vertebrae. But, all Backbends must

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