Saluting a Full Flower Moon

I honestly never heard of a Flower Moon which brightened our night skies over the past few days. Native tribes of North America coined the phrase of which the Farmer’s Almanac adopted, as this moon phase signified a time of bloom and for planting. Others believe it is a time of fertility, growth and creation. Same thing I think. A yoga practice that opens up our Sacral (creativity) and Root (grounding)

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Meet Your Powerful Energy Body

Meet your amazing Luminescent Energy Body (LEB). The more connected you are with your bioelectrical magnetic fields and body, the more quality and quantity you may expect for life. These fields you may know as your aura, meridians, chakras and nadis. They are pathways for vital energy to be in motion to travel in all directions as it’s meant to, versus stagnant or depleted in areas.  We offer two powerful and

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Change Chaos into Calm

No one in the world has been unscathed by the past few years and more recent events near and afar. From dis-ease, natural disasters, family and financial matters, global conflicts, and more. Yogis and Lightworkers know that we have protection and healing Energy Tool Kits for times in need.  Daily self-care and routine rituals known as Dinacharya in Arurveda prevent and help heal chaos in the body and mind as we’ve learned

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Spring Equinox for Spring Clearing

Clear your space. Clear your mind. Clear your body. Spring Clearing time!  Monday, March 20th at 5:24PM EST is Spring or Vernal Equinox as the sun crosses the equator, rising due east, setting due west. A balance of time with equal day and night hours. Let’s look at our own balance of time related to our spaces.  My “full” home spaces cause me many distractions, and consume or deplete my time., causing an

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Spring Forward with Ease & Grace

Oh, the joy of Springing Forward. Today we find ourselves with less time in our first day into Daylight Savings Time, requiring a big adjustment to our body’s natural Circadian Rhythm (CR). I find it quite challenging for my body and mind to accept this abrupt change to my internal clock, as do many others.   First, let’s understand this unnatural time change we all must face. We have a built in

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What is Reiki?

Many have asked, What is Reiki?  I light up with this question as Reiki is a such a powerful method for healing on many levels. I have personally experienced and witnessed its positive effects. Whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, even a combination of each, Reiki offers the recipient a proven energy tool for healing. When energy flow in living things is blocked, depleted and/or imbalanced, it manifests usually in

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Your Summit at the Crown

My blog for this week’s is a bit more lengthy as we bridge the past six weeks journey through our Chakra series and arrive at our seventh, the Crown Chakra. Glowing lustrous violet hues form into a pure white royal crown found at the top center of our head, and slightly above. It connects our physical and energy body towards Higher Consciousness, Enlightenment, a term we hear often when seeking

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Demystify the Mystified 3rd Eye

Ever wonder why the 6th Chakra is called the Third Eye?  Me too. For years I wanted to better understand this ancient belief that spans many cultures including the Egyptians’ Eye of Horus, the Mayans, Greeks, Asians and Hindus.  I discovered some science behind the concept of an “eye” located at the center of the brain, the size of a pea, shaped like a small pinecone, our Pineal Gland pronounced pin-ee-uhl. It guides our circadian rhythms

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Our Super Highway for our Brain & Body

Our 5th Chakra is the clear like the sky blue Throat,  or Visshuda in Sanskrit, and is our superhighway between the Heart Brain to next week’s theme, the Third Eye. It is our chakra for communication. This space is small yet includes the neck and immediate spaces that lead to it, as well as our ears and mouth. So, what we eat, drink and speak affects it vibrationally. Think about how

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Our Heart Brain

Our Heart Brain when connected to the beautiful energy of our Heart Chakra can bring us better health, great joy and divine love.   The single Torus Field image illustrates our body’s bioelectrical magnetic energy field generating to and from our heart. As energy spirals out, up and around the human body, down to and below our feet, then back up to our heart we experience a continual circuit of energy known as

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