Sing A Meditation

Kirtan is singing with intention and devotion, also known as Bhakti yoga. The lyrics are known as mantras which are chanted like a song or hymn, and usually accompanied with musical instruments. Japa meditation is repetition of the mantras.
Last Thursday after a busy day, I missed my Win for Wellness activity so decided to slip in a webinar to check the daily box. Instead, it was a Live Krisha Das gathering in Western NC. I tuned in, my activity became a Meditation.
Krishna Das was the previous lead singer known as Jeff with Blue Oyster Cult many years ago but changed his focus and name after a life changing trip to India. He was nominated for a Grammy award and is highly regarded as a kirtan performer with a tremendous following.
My first kirtan experience I hesitated. it was not my thing. I perceived it as a bit strange honestly. After 10 minutes or so, something shifted. I felt the joy in other voices without perfection, and the great vibrations of the space. I liked it.
We hosted a few amazing Kirtan events at Fusion, and I am super excited we have one planned soon. My hope is you will give it a try, like I did when so fearful of sharing my scary "singing voice".
One of my favorites is a simpler mantra with extremely powerful intention. May all beings be happy and free, Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.
Carrying my own tune with surrender,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.