Get Earthy!

The past few weeks we explored the Energy Body, our emotions, the need to feel & heal, and some tools like Mindfulness and Meditation for our wellness goals. This week we will focus on grounding the physical body with techniques including yoga’s postures, the asanas. The word move, at the center of our Fusion mantra, Breathe. Move. Connect. brings us to the importance of not only breathing mindfully, but ensuring safe

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Mindfulness or Meditation?

This week’s theme offers two power tools to enhance and brighten our Luminescent Body with mindfulness and meditation. To demystify and overcome what many find difficult is to find another perspective and means to establish these daily rituals to enhance your life. Benefits of both have been scientifically and medically proven to promote better health, induce calm, enhance sleep, build our immunities and more. Let’s start with the difference between

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You are Luminescent!

Photo – New Art Addition for FusionAlex Grey’s “Sacred Mirrors”  Feel free to view it up close in the Reiki Room I have recently been exploring deeper levels of understanding the human body and mind and how it relates to Energy Work, like Reiki and also yoga practices for holistic wellness. I find it fascinating and reassuring to know that we can build a new healthier body and mind by shifting what

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Fusion’s Mantra – Breathe. Move. Connect

Breathe. Move. Connect… Fusion’s mantra, our motto, our mission was selected personally by me almost 9 years ago for all who enter our space to feel better than when they came in. My associated intention, Sankalpa in Sanskrit, has always been to focus on all actions that will facilitate manifestation of a happy, healthy life. And a reminder that breath, movement and connection to self, others and even a higher

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Healing the Heart Chakra

Together we put the pieces back together to restore our heart center. The Heart Chakra, our central chakra of the 7 major chakras is calling for our attention. It intersects and connects with our more physically related and anatomically lower chakras for survival, and our more mindful and spiritually related higher chakras. When our heart isn’t in alignment or operating at optimal efficiency, we feel things more deeply, and lack good health.

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To Heal is Real

It is hard to believe that it has been two weeks since the first warnings of potential chaos to our community were announced. Then the reality set in.  Now we are on a journey to reassess and pull ourselves together for survival, and then healing.For as many tears and reports I hear of extreme sadness and devastation, there are just as many if not more of hope, support, loyalty and

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Our Most Powerful Tool, at Your Fingertips!

Your hands can be your most powerful tools for optimal health and are your connection to five major elements. They sense through touch, protect, guide and enable you to perform in many of life’s activities, including expression. Ancient yoga philosophies, along with Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, recognize the concentration of powerful elemental energies at our fingertips. The image above illustrates each element and related digit. The thumb represents fire, first

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Bring in the Lunar Power!

Bring in the Lunar Power! Solar & Lunar Powers, the best of both universal energies for our Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Last week we recognized Solar Power and the Pitta Dosha elements of fire and water that generate heat and strength. I recommended we Reset, Renew & Rebalance with several options at Fusion. This week, let’s get into our Lunar Power to complement last week’s mission to balance out the heat

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