Who is Patanjali?

Since Fusion Yoga & Wellness is indeed a studio, a place to study yoga for wellness, I thought I would introduce authentic philosophies and history of yoga. You may have heard some or all of these terms during your time with us. Please keep an open mind as I am not intending to promote any specific religion, just simply intentions as a spiritualist wishing to share what I have explored,

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Your Summit at the Crown

My blog for this week’s is a bit more lengthy as we bridge the past six weeks journey through our Chakra series and arrive at our seventh, the Crown Chakra. Glowing lustrous violet hues form into a pure white royal crown found at the top center of our head, and slightly above. It connects our physical and energy body towards Higher Consciousness, Enlightenment, a term we hear often when seeking

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Demystify the Mystified 3rd Eye

Ever wonder why the 6th Chakra is called the Third Eye?  Me too. For years I wanted to better understand this ancient belief that spans many cultures including the Egyptians’ Eye of Horus, the Mayans, Greeks, Asians and Hindus.  I discovered some science behind the concept of an “eye” located at the center of the brain, the size of a pea, shaped like a small pinecone, our Pineal Gland pronounced pin-ee-uhl. It guides our circadian rhythms

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Our Super Highway for our Brain & Body

Our 5th Chakra is the clear like the sky blue Throat,  or Visshuda in Sanskrit, and is our superhighway between the Heart Brain to next week’s theme, the Third Eye. It is our chakra for communication. This space is small yet includes the neck and immediate spaces that lead to it, as well as our ears and mouth. So, what we eat, drink and speak affects it vibrationally. Think about how

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Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti…

Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Universal Peace, Peace. Peace. Simple yet powerful intention, Sankalpa, for our collective vibrations to be in positive harmony, creating unIversal peace. Through our positive and kind thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. Only when we are all in this physical and mental state will we all prosper with the experience of true peacefulness.  We must do our unique practice of mindfulness, self care with purpose and discipline to raise our own

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Mindfulness or Meditation?

This week’s theme offers two power tools to enhance and brighten our Luminescent Body with mindfulness and meditation. To demystify and overcome what many find difficult is to find another perspective and means to establish these daily rituals to enhance your life. Benefits of both have been scientifically and medically proven to promote better health, induce calm, enhance sleep, build our immunities and more. Let’s start with the difference between

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You are Luminescent!

Photo – New Art Addition for FusionAlex Grey’s “Sacred Mirrors”  Feel free to view it up close in the Reiki Room I have recently been exploring deeper levels of understanding the human body and mind and how it relates to Energy Work, like Reiki and also yoga practices for holistic wellness. I find it fascinating and reassuring to know that we can build a new healthier body and mind by shifting what

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