It’s Time to Chill

Photos from Gina’s Tennessee hike up, to get to the cool down, and the vistaIt’s now time to chill down after our yoga practice of building heat to metabolize and detoxify. We did the work, climbed the mountains, generated heat to now enjoy the cooling off phase. We slow down the pace, usually come down to our mats instead of standing and begin our “Cool Down” phase. We have balanced and challenged

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Warming Up to the Peak

Photos from Gina’s recent hike. Mammoth March plants a tree for each participant, 1200 for our hike!My recent adventure in Tennessee relates to our need to warm up to best enjoy the journey. I completed my first professional hike with intent to do my best. I surrendered to the possibility I may not make the “Finish Line” at 20 miles in 8 hours. I have trained on flat lands of

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Round and Round We Go!

Turns out you can Hoola without the Hoop!  Fusion Yoga Teacher Natalie demonstrates circumduction.Our final of the Super Six Spinal Movements, Circumduction! I recently learned that this is actually a 6th one last year during my Costa Rica Advanced 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. Most yoga schools teach only 5 spinal movements which we have covered: Axial Extension/Lengthening, Lateral/Side Bends, Axial Rotation/Twists, Flexion/Folds and Backbends.  Circumductions, Bharmanasana in Sanskrit, creates rotation of our entire spine in

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When Backwards is Good!

Common Backbend Poses as demonstrated by our most recent Fusion Yoga Teacher Graduates, descriptions below. Embrace the Backbend for good spinal health! Backbends are energizing, hip, chest and heart openers, increase oxygen to the body, strengthen our back body, and help us focus. They are great counterposes for our Forward Bends/Flexion Spinal Movement which compress the frontal spine, as backbends compress the back side of the vertebrae. But, all Backbends must

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Go Forward!

Common Forward Fold Poses as demonstrated by our most recent Fusion Yoga Teacher Graduates, descriptions below. Go Forward! Typically practiced in a Fusion yoga class, Forward Bends/Flexion  are one of the most recognized of our Super Six Spinal Movements. However, they must be done properly to get the most benefit while preventing injury. When we mindfully bend forward we open up the back of the spine, while backbends open the front

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Celebrating Nine, Listen for the Music

It is with great pleasure, honor and pride we celebrate, Fusion turns NINE!!!  Our milestone is not by luck, but a formula with clear intention and actions to offer you a special sanctuary filled with amazing and unique practitioners. Our supportive community has been our icing on the cake.The years haven’t been easy, it is true. But that’s why we are meant to be here, for you, and us. To

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Let’s Do the Twist

 Spring clearing is great for our external space, but our internal body spaces may need extra attention too after a cooler fall & winter season with many associated holidays and celebrations. So this week we begin a series to do this, beginning with spinal movements in yoga asanas (postures). We start with the Twist. Some of you may remember Chubby Checkers hit song and dance in the ’60s, The Twist. But

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Spring Equinox for Spring Clearing

Clear your space. Clear your mind. Clear your body. Spring Clearing time!  Monday, March 20th at 5:24PM EST is Spring or Vernal Equinox as the sun crosses the equator, rising due east, setting due west. A balance of time with equal day and night hours. Let’s look at our own balance of time related to our spaces.  My “full” home spaces cause me many distractions, and consume or deplete my time., causing an

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Spring Forward with Ease & Grace

Oh, the joy of Springing Forward. Today we find ourselves with less time in our first day into Daylight Savings Time, requiring a big adjustment to our body’s natural Circadian Rhythm (CR). I find it quite challenging for my body and mind to accept this abrupt change to my internal clock, as do many others.   First, let’s understand this unnatural time change we all must face. We have a built in

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What is Reiki?

Many have asked, What is Reiki?  I light up with this question as Reiki is a such a powerful method for healing on many levels. I have personally experienced and witnessed its positive effects. Whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, even a combination of each, Reiki offers the recipient a proven energy tool for healing. When energy flow in living things is blocked, depleted and/or imbalanced, it manifests usually in

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