1 2 3 Brave Warrior I Will Be

Vintage throwback my first year at Fusion practicing each with 2 sister-students, Melissa and Sara  What does being a Warrior mean to you? Fiercely Focused, Powerfully Peaceful, Passionate and Purposeful, Inspiringly Influential, Super Strong, Divinely Driven, Boldy Brave…pick your Warrior name you wish to create for the Warrior in you. I love them all! Reminds me of my inner drive, my tapas when I decided to open Fusion years ago. I’ll share

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Spring Time for Bees!

Spring or Vernal Equinox is Wednesday as our sun passes over our earth’s equator creating equal day and night. Sunrise is due east, sunset due west. Our daylight time becomes longer, our weather warms, our plants and flowers flourish and our bees thrive with the hive! Our pollinator bumblebee is necessary for plant life, therapeutic honey production. The vibration of their wings, up to 130 times per second, spreads the pollen

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ABC Power for Our Sun

To get our bodies warmed through breath and movement to honor our life-giving Sun, we reviewed a basic Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar), also known as a Sun A that included a Sun Breath (Half Sun-Salutation) sequence. It includes a flow sequence of Plank, a backbend like Cobra or Upward Facing Dog, and a Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana).  Here’s two more great Surya Namaskar options, B & C to advance the sequences. I’m a visual learner so maybe

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Salutations For Our Sun

I love doing anything to enjoy the Sun, it feeds my Soul and where I think “Solar” derived from originally. Without it’s heat, our earth freezes, without it’s light eventually we perish physically, and decline emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Remember how we all felt this winter with El Nino weather patterns and the lack of sunshine? Surya Namaskar helps us ignite our Solar Plexus, rain or shine!  Yoga Sun Breaths and Sun Salutations, Surya (Sun) Namaskar (salute or greeting) are

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Meet Your Powerful Energy Body

Meet your amazing Luminescent Energy Body (LEB). The more connected you are with your bioelectrical magnetic fields and body, the more quality and quantity you may expect for life. These fields you may know as your aura, meridians, chakras and nadis. They are pathways for vital energy to be in motion to travel in all directions as it’s meant to, versus stagnant or depleted in areas.  We offer two powerful and

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Karma & The Golden Rule

 One of my private yoga students, Alan and I meet at least twice a week for over 5 years. We ponder and share various thoughts as part of our Satsang, sacred gathering during yoga practice. Without debate we contemplate many subjects with just simple straight up talk and respectful listening. We recently reflected on our own beliefs of higher consciousness and what divine forces try to teach us, and what

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Read, Restore, Reflect

Svadhyaya in Sanskrit means Self-study. It is one of our Niyamas, behaviors we observe and strive to adopt into our lives as good practice for personal growth and a better way to live. When we explore with open minds through resources available to us, like books or knowledge and wisdom shared by others, then reflect on what it means to us, it’s a form of self-study.  When we fuse learning with pranayama/breath control, asana/yoga postures,

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Align & Connect

Alignment and Connection have varied meanings at Fusion to find higher levels of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual harmony. We teach as guides to practice as the ancient seer advised in Patanjali’s 8 Limbed Path of Yoga (listed in italics after each practice). Physical Alignment, like when we control our breath (pranayama) and body with our muscles engaged, line up our feet, hips, arms, hands, head, our spine, and so on

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Mindful Moments of Movement

As I teach this week, we move as described, to be sturdy like the oak tree yet flexible like bamboo.More Yoga Body Basics, “Move” is our 2nd power word in our Fusion mantra, Breathe. Move. Connect. Yoga moves are much more than just getting from one posture to the next. It’s about safely maximizing movement with ease, focus and purpose after a breath is initiated, going deeper if it feels appropriate for the challenge. Never

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Back to Basics of Breath

Let’s get Back to Basics of Breath. The most beneficial and under utilized tools for a yoga practice is Pranayama, breath control. It is one of Patanjail’s (ancient seer) 8 Limbed Path to Yoga.  Our Fusion Mantra is Breathe. Move. Connect. as a reminder that breath must lead the movement, not the other way around. I often remind students, “without breath, there is no life. It’s the first thing we do

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