Fusion is a TEN

"A Tree of Life and Easter Eggs merging together to represent rebirth, creation and life" 

Fusion Yoga & Wellness, my true dharma, officially opened 10 years ago this day! As an RN, business person, holistic practice believer, and community driven Lightworker, the mission was clear 10 years ago...Ultimate wellness practices and services to enhance our lives physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually based on what the seeker may seek. Anyone who walks through our doors feels one way, feeling better when they part.

So what's the big deal about 10, besides a milestone of double digits and start of a new cycle? I'll share various insights around 10. Since this is a holy day, season and spring time for some representing new beginnings, with respect to your own spiritual or religious beliefs, 

Ancient Chinese Culture: Number 10 is divine order and harmony, balance between Yin and Yang, the opposing forces like the sun and moon that govern the universe. 

Hinduism: Ten Avatars of Lord Vishnu each a human or animal form of incarnation to restore order for divinity.

"One of my first selections for Fusion"

Christianity: Ten Commandments, a moral compass for living a righteous and spiritually fulfilling life. 

Judaism: Ten Sephirot, a Tree of Life in Kabbalah represent different attributes serving as a roadmap for spiritual ascension. 

Zen Buddhism: Ten Ox-Herding Pictures, a series of traditional artworks to depict the journey of self-realization. Each represent a stage for spiritual awakening and guide to enlightenment.

Numerology and Spiritual: Wholeness and Completion (we are not done yet but grateful), Divine Order and Harmony (we try), Manifestation and Abundance with Infinite Potential (love this!) and

Transformation and New Beginnings (perpetual student and wisdom seekers!)

My own belief is that all schools of thought have common themes to find harmony through actions of compassion, kindness, honesty, discipline, divine devotion and LOVE! Many rating scales use "10" as an option for complete satisfaction and excellence. We strive for that rating as we celebrate 10 over the next few weeks, but work behind the scenes to deliver some new and exciting plans for our next 10 as Warriors for Purpose, Power, Passion & Peace. 

Thank you for partaking in our journey and contributing in your own special ways of support, interest and positive energy. And special thanks to our Fusion Family of practitioners who each offer their unique Warrior gifts for your Fusion experiences and search for health and harmony. 

With much love and gratitude,


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.


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