Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti…

Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Universal Peace, Peace. Peace. Simple yet powerful intention, Sankalpa, for our collective vibrations to be in positive harmony, creating unIversal peace. Through our positive and kind thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. Only when we are all in this physical and mental state will we all prosper with the experience of true peacefulness.  We must do our unique practice of mindfulness, self care with purpose and discipline to raise our own

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Energy Forces of Yoga

Reverse Triangle Pose focuses on opposing forces of engagement and energy from a grounded front foot, through the side body, traveling to extended arm and fingertips.  Last week we reviewed the true meaning of the yoga style, vinyasa when we link breath and movement intentionally through transitioning one poses to the next. This week we rediscover Hatha Yoga, often referred to as the action of opposing forces, like the sun and the moon, during a mindful practice. Hatha in Sanskrit means force. The

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Get Earthy!

The past few weeks we explored the Energy Body, our emotions, the need to feel & heal, and some tools like Mindfulness and Meditation for our wellness goals. This week we will focus on grounding the physical body with techniques including yoga’s postures, the asanas. The word move, at the center of our Fusion mantra, Breathe. Move. Connect. brings us to the importance of not only breathing mindfully, but ensuring safe

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