Expand Knowledge and Entrain Energy

To be honest, my head spins like electrons spinning around a nucleus and photons in an atom when I think of how quantum physics works. Like most things, I get the basics and accept from personal experiences for over 30 years, energy healing works. As a holistic nurse in some capacity for over 40 years, I favor preventive and non-invasive methods as a first line of defense for optimal health, and healing dis-ease.
I completed a Wellness Activity that challenged me, to Read an Entire Book. I went even further and got certified in Quantum Touch (QT), another form of energy work in addition to Reiki.
I became a believer of "Energy Work" when it was introduced to me in the 90's in California, taking it home to my family in Virginia. To show my husband Bill, I put my hands a few inches away from my 4-year-old Jesse's chest and began visualizing a flow of energy. Much to my surprise after a few minutes, I asked Jesse who wasn't much of a talker back then if he felt anything. "Heartbeat". My eyes big as saucers looked to Bill who looked back with a "that's pretty cool" smile. He was always supportive and ahead of the times with his own beliefs on the natural world. I was more into textbook science prior. Well, there was my proof, the evidence.
QT is more hands-on techniques and with my Florida RN license on it's way, I will institute some of the methods in my sessions. Both use fundamental science of resonance and entrainment. "That resonates with me" or the opposite, is a common term nowadays. Resonance is when different energy frequencies and vibrations line up in a way that they become similar as they entrain, sync with one another. Example, a wall of grandfather clocks against the same wall with random swinging pendulums will eventually swing in the same rhythm and pace. They entrained through the vibrations of the wall.
Both Reiki and QT facilitate the same basic concepts with intention to lift and balance the vibrations of a willing recipient to transfer and entrain with the energy from a prepared space and a harmonized practitioner who is resonating with universal peaceful energy. Then your body's own innate intelligence will heal on various levels; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as it was designed for a balanced, healthy life.
Over the years I have witnessed giving and receiving this powerful energy medicine with success. It is part of my personal practice to ground, protect and heal myself. When I get sidetracked and miss my connection, I feel it. Anyone willing can learn energy work and I have trained many to care for one's self, or others with Reiki. QT is on the horizon.

Fusion is offering 10% off for your first Reiki session with one of our Reiki Masters, Milena, Prodromos and myself through August but may continue through September. We are ready!
Connected with the Light to Be the Light,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.