Upside Down is Good!

Last week we focused on Balance, this week is all about being ok Upside Down. In a yoga practice it is called an Inversion. We get our heads below our hearts to any degree and work with gravity to shift our weight, the flow of energy and circulation for our body’s cells and fluids. This movement helps us detox and restore as stagnant areas are released from the pull of gravity that is stronger

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Mindfulness or Meditation?

This week’s theme offers two power tools to enhance and brighten our Luminescent Body with mindfulness and meditation. To demystify and overcome what many find difficult is to find another perspective and means to establish these daily rituals to enhance your life. Benefits of both have been scientifically and medically proven to promote better health, induce calm, enhance sleep, build our immunities and more. Let’s start with the difference between

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You are Luminescent!

Photo – New Art Addition for FusionAlex Grey’s “Sacred Mirrors”  Feel free to view it up close in the Reiki Room I have recently been exploring deeper levels of understanding the human body and mind and how it relates to Energy Work, like Reiki and also yoga practices for holistic wellness. I find it fascinating and reassuring to know that we can build a new healthier body and mind by shifting what

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Bring in the Lunar Power!

Bring in the Lunar Power! Solar & Lunar Powers, the best of both universal energies for our Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Last week we recognized Solar Power and the Pitta Dosha elements of fire and water that generate heat and strength. I recommended we Reset, Renew & Rebalance with several options at Fusion. This week, let’s get into our Lunar Power to complement last week’s mission to balance out the heat

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