Let’s Do the Twist

Spring clearing is great for our external space, but our internal body spaces may need extra attention too after a cooler fall & winter season with many associated holidays and celebrations. So this week we begin a series to do this, beginning with spinal movements in yoga asanas (postures). We start with the Twist.
Some of you may remember Chubby Checkers hit song and dance in the '60s, The Twist. But in yoga it means something else.
Yoga Asana Twists:
- Spinal rotations and potentially powerful movements help us detox
- May be done while seated, reclined, kneeling or standing
- Lengthen your spine first by grounding then lifting through your head/crown.
- Hold them for a few breath cycles to you allow yourself to deepen
- Always do both sides, starting with the direction that turns the torso/chest toward the right, then do the left side to wring out left abdomen where our descending colon is located.
- Twist should always be initiated from the upperbody and waist, stabilizing the hips first to protect our lower back.
- May be done at the beginning, during and end of a yoga practice.
- Pregnancy or serious spinal or abdominal conditions are contraindications.
Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, and organs make up organ-systems like our cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and digestive. When we wring them out we help them release toxins to bring in fresh fluids and oxygen, increasing our body's energy. We feel healthier when our lymphatic and neurovascular are revitalized too.
My favorite twisted asanas are Lord of the Fishes/Seated Twist (Matsyendrasana) with deeper options like an arm bind, Reclined Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) with my opposing leg extended and crossed over and head to the opposite side, Windmill Boat Pose (Navasana) while working our core and balance, High Lunge Twist (Parivrtta Ashta Chandrasana) and Revolved Lunge Prayer Twist (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana). That's alot of sanskrit!
Be sure to hydrate with pure room temperature water before and after as you have just physically done a rinse and wring body wash cycle. Then breathe the fresher air and enjoy your spring renewal season.
Feeling the Springtime Bliss!
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.