Wisdom Seekers

Our Mr. Froggy mascot is always seeking wisdom (a gift from my dear friend Tammy) As I write this blog as I do always, I begin as a Wisdom Seeker. I must find interest in the topic, research for truth, attempt to experience personally, then simplify and share any wisdom if welcomed. If it doesn’t interest me, I usually go no further. If it does, look out as I can

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March On Up to Your 8th Chakra

My 1st and favorite quartz crystal I acquired on Maui, 1988 reminds me of my Soul Star Yes, there’s an 8th, your Soul Star, Viyapani Chakra, sometimes called the Seat of the Soul. Recognizing my star helps me understand I am part of something so immense and infinite, not separate. My aura. I was always fascinated by religious and spiritual art illustrating halos, yet thinking they were only for angels

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When You Know Your Heart Chakra is Open

What happens when your heart chakra is cleared & open The image captures what happens when your Heart Chakra is clear, open and radiating pure love vibrations. You know, that feeling you get when you may even get teary eyed, your heart flutters and sings. Chelsea from Arizona and I were roommates in the jungles of Costa Rica for 7 nights last week. I never shared a room with a

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Ignite Your Solar Power

Our Solar Chakra is our 3rd of 7 major chakras linking our Sacral Chakra which we reviewed last week and our Heart Chakra (next week). Its color is brilliant yellow like the golden sun, a “shining gem” as Manipura in Sanskrit indicates. Located at the Solar Plexus, it represents our inner, more masculine power and is located just above the navel. When we allow it to be energetically ignited, we feel

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Our Sacred Sacral Chakra

3D illustration of Hip Skeleton, medical concept. The Sacral Chakra has been considered sacred as far back as Egyptian times. Energetically our Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthasana in Sanskrit thrives in the area of our hips above the tail bone but below the navel. Our sacrum is a large triangular bone connecting the base of the spine between the tailbone and the last lumbar vertebrae in the back region of our hips.

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Chasing Chakra Rainbows

My double rainbow in St. Thomas, where the ocean touched the sky. When I first heard about Chakras many years ago, and even in Yoga Teacher Training, I honestly didn’t get it, or buy into the supposed colors, purpose, etc. for each area of 7 Major Chakras. One day in the streets of Rome I had my “aha!” moment. There were individual colored flags around the Forum and I got

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Victory in the Stars

Freedom is a right, and a gift. Use it wisely, kindly and with purpose to live the best and most peaceful life. Let your visions lead you to Victory in the Stars. Yoga guides us to find perspective on how to live a more mindful and calm life. To be brave and courageous to be the best version of ourselves, or at least better than the day before, one day at a

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Japanese Legend

Legend tells and told in many versions that Mikao Usui lived in Japan from 1868 to 1926 and was extremely instrumental in introducing the concept of Rei-Ki. He studied medicine, psychology and religion as he traveled to Europe and China, and possibly the US.  Usui experienced the ability to use our hands and intention as powerful healing tools after long and deep meditations. He experienced forms of divine guidance to facilitate improvement of energy imbalances

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Honor the Masculine Yang Energy Forces

In May we honor our maternal mentors and caregivers with Mother’s Day. In June we recognize the positive, masculine influences in our lives. The necessary Yang Energy Forces to balance our more feminine Yin.  Father’s Day began in Washington state in 1910 when a young woman wanted to honor her veteran father, a single parent of 6 children. In 1972 it become a nationwide holiday, 58 years after Mother’s Day was established in 1914.

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Saluting a Full Flower Moon

I honestly never heard of a Flower Moon which brightened our night skies over the past few days. Native tribes of North America coined the phrase of which the Farmer’s Almanac adopted, as this moon phase signified a time of bloom and for planting. Others believe it is a time of fertility, growth and creation. Same thing I think. A yoga practice that opens up our Sacral (creativity) and Root (grounding)

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