The Power of Touch to Feel

The power of touch to feel with our fingertips, hands, feet or anywhere else enables us to protect, function best and experience various sensations. Our skin is our largest organ and each square inch contains about 1000 nerve endings. Imagine your whole body! When we touch someone or something we may feel it as cool, warm, smooth, textured, soft, hard, dull, sharp, moving or still, for instance. Sometimes it’s pleasant and other times, not so much. In a

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The Power of Eye Yoga

Practice Eye Yoga for eye wellness and protect your vision as you see the beauty of life! Eyes are known as Windows of Our Soul. When we rate the value of our senses, vision often leads the way. Our eyes show us light or darkness, various colors, textures, dimensions, movement and more. When meeting others or even places, we often use our eyes to connect on various levels. Are they friendly, happy, concerned,

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Bill’s 2 Cents and his “Spot”

Many of you may know Bill. When he refers to “his spot” he says it in jest, but he is a creature of habit and my anchor when I teach class. I also enjoy knowing he’s there every week. Here’s his 2 cents… Bills photo shoots in nature, including his favorite Eagle, who watches over his “spot”. One day after shopping at Lowes I decided to check out Fusion Yoga. I

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