Yoga Month, Yoga Day…it’s all the same

Saluting the Sun, as I can balance on a paddleboard due to yoga.
September is National Yoga Month to raise awareness.
My yoga story:
For me, I never knew anyone who practiced, or any place that offered yoga until I went to my local gym to get back in shape 15 years ago and discovered they offered yoga classes. I will "try it" I thought. Embarrassed, I entered and asked another student, "sneakers on or off". Like I had 2 heads, I was abruptly told, "no". Sheepishly, I went to my mat, stayed focused having no other choice if I'd hoped to not further embarrass myself. But I kept up. Maybe misaligned, heels not touching the floor (still don't), and a savasana (lying still) I struggled to hold thinking it was never going to end. It was about 5 minutes, tops.
Interestingly enough, I opened my eyes, looked around to see and feel the stillness and peace that transformed me. Thinking to myself, "that was better than a glass of wine", right then and there deciding yoga would be part of my life forever to feel better every day. I set a reasonable goal to go 2-3 times a week even though I worked 7 days. I looked forward to my class time. Then after a year I went to my first yoga studio class not knowing it could be any better. It was, much more focused on breath, alignments, overall yoga benefits, compassion and ancient philosophy and wisdom. Within months I noticed a Yoga Teacher Training course and the rest is history in the making for Fusion Yoga & Wellness.
I live a life where every day is Yoga Day. It wasn't always that way. Yoga is much more popular now among all ages from babies to seniors, sizes slender to curvy, and cultures in the east and west than it was in my life. Mainstream and social media and our health care communities have helped bring more awareness.
What's your story? Maybe a friend or health professional introduced you to yoga, or saw our sign, or you did a search for yoga. Most are seeking one or a combination of it's benefits; flexibility, strength, balance, endurance, or simply bring more calm into your life. What have you personally discovered?
If you have been missing mat time, let's get you back on it. Maybe you know someone who has hesitated, please don't give up on them. We have never heard anyone say, I wish I never did yoga after a session, and those that have been absent say how much they missed it. Take advantage of National Yoga Month at Fusion and let's get practicing. If you haven't been in for over a year or you know someone who has never been to Fusion, we have a great incentive. Give us 2 weeks to explore and restore what you've been missing. (see details below)
For me, I know I am a better person physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually than I was 15 years ago before yoga. My practice and our Fusion community have carried me through good times and not so good over the past 10.5 years. I practice our motto every day,
Breathe. Move. Connect.
Forever yogi,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.