Moods of the Moon

Ever feel a bit more moody with a full moon or a lunar eclipse like we just experienced? I do. Our moonlight and our bodies shift as the moon’s surface darkens or glows from reflective light and location with our sun. We both react to the gravitational pulls and the changes in light we receive. Our earth is covered by about 71% water according to NASA, of which about 96% is

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Clear Your Throat and Sing

A 4th grade student was singing with gusto until her music teacher told her in front of her class and 6th graders, “Gina, sit this one out so we can hear how the song sounds”. Yes, it was me and I was mortified. I never sang again if anyone could hear me. Not even alone. Perfect lip syncing became my future. Even in church. I suffered many sore throats, colds,

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When You Know Your Heart Chakra is Open

What happens when your heart chakra is cleared & open The image captures what happens when your Heart Chakra is clear, open and radiating pure love vibrations. You know, that feeling you get when you may even get teary eyed, your heart flutters and sings. Chelsea from Arizona and I were roommates in the jungles of Costa Rica for 7 nights last week. I never shared a room with a

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Ignite Your Solar Power

Our Solar Chakra is our 3rd of 7 major chakras linking our Sacral Chakra which we reviewed last week and our Heart Chakra (next week). Its color is brilliant yellow like the golden sun, a “shining gem” as Manipura in Sanskrit indicates. Located at the Solar Plexus, it represents our inner, more masculine power and is located just above the navel. When we allow it to be energetically ignited, we feel

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Our Sacred Sacral Chakra

3D illustration of Hip Skeleton, medical concept. The Sacral Chakra has been considered sacred as far back as Egyptian times. Energetically our Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthasana in Sanskrit thrives in the area of our hips above the tail bone but below the navel. Our sacrum is a large triangular bone connecting the base of the spine between the tailbone and the last lumbar vertebrae in the back region of our hips.

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Chasing Chakra Rainbows

My double rainbow in St. Thomas, where the ocean touched the sky. When I first heard about Chakras many years ago, and even in Yoga Teacher Training, I honestly didn’t get it, or buy into the supposed colors, purpose, etc. for each area of 7 Major Chakras. One day in the streets of Rome I had my “aha!” moment. There were individual colored flags around the Forum and I got

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Expand Knowledge and Entrain Energy

To be honest, my head spins like electrons spinning around a nucleus and photons in an atom when I think of how quantum physics works. Like most things, I get the basics and accept from personal experiences for over 30 years, energy healing works. As a holistic nurse in some capacity for over 40 years, I favor preventive and non-invasive methods as a first line of defense for optimal health,

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Discipline Days 5-11

Truth be told, I lacked discipline all my life. I always commit to fancy free and fun, procrastinating otherwise. If something doesn’t interest me (taxes) but is important, it’s on my back burner, causing me more stress as it lingers over my head. I get distracted with other to-do’s. I can hear my mom, “Just get it over with!” This past week started off great then fizzled because I wasn’t

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Gina’s Journey for Wellness Week 1

I feel good, like I knew that I would! I can hear James Brown now as I I am off to a good start, determined to follow through with my commitment to regain my momentum in August on our Journey into Winning with Wellness.  I lacked motivation with summer heat and recharging after a busy season. So, I created the August Win with Wellness to jumpstart me again, and maybe you too. Starting fresh on Thursday the 1st

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Win with Wellness

August is a time that seems to take me off track of my usual healthy routines. Maybe it’s the heat or the old patterns of wrapping up summer plans. So, I am starting my 30 Day Wellness Winner ~ August Activities plan to motivate me to reboot and keep my momentum for what makes me feel best. Every time I see something that says 30 Day Challenge I cringe, feeling

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