Chocolate, Cocoa or Cacao?

LEFT Cacao Tree RIGHT Gina enjoyed this dark chocolate delicacy from its purest form of cacao in the jungle of Costa Rica I wondered about the difference between much loved chocolate indulgences, cocoa, and cacao. I someday hope to explore Machu Picchu and have been told that at high elevations they give you cacao leaves to help counter the effects. I did a lot of research. Basically, they are sourced from the cocoa

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Maily’s Massages, Ahimsa & Aparigraha

I asked Maily, our gifted Massage Therapist to write this blog with me to inspire more mind-body self care and understanding of the full benefits of massage, and her approach to personalized treatments. Surrender is necessary to let her do her “magical work.” In yoga, self-care and love is practicing Ahimsa, surrender of attachments is Aparigraha. When we let go of unnecessary things that don’t serve us like negative past, or

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Hand In Hand, Sankalpa & Tapas

Katie Wolfe and I hiked Grand Canyon ridge in record heat safely and enjoyed the incredible vistas. A goal for over 25 years. As we enter final week of National Yoga Awareness Month and the Fall Equinox yesterday, it’s a perfect time to reflect on any changes, new habits or at least one positive behavior you have made. Perhaps one more yoga practice, increased meditation time, breath work, or intention

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Home is Where My Heart Is

I recently traveled to 4 European countries with 15 cities in just 2 weeks, and the additional drive to and from Miami. Separated from my comfortable places, yet enjoying the sites, adventures and time with my son. Grateful and eventually longing for some peace, and my own bed. I found a void from our Fusion sanctuary and community. Chaos to calm.I missed Fusion this summer, the space, the people, the

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My Yoga, Then & Now

Gina at Rock of Gibraltar getting acquainted with a Barbary Macaque, Gibraltar Monkey, southern Spain.  Finding words for the purpose of National Yoga Awareness Month, I can only simplify by recognizing its importance in the world as we know it. My own lifestyle changed drastically over the years as I coped with change and struggles. Without yoga, I shudder to think how my usual Monkey Mind (state of chaos and restlessness) may have reacted. Think

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Hello September, Hello Kristen!

Hello September, Hello Kristen! I hope you enjoyed our 2 Cents Summer Share Stories. Special thanks to all those who submitted and hope you enjoyed your $25 Fusion credit. Now we move into September News. This month is National Yoga Awareness Month! I would like to introduce Kristen Bitonte who not only is this week’s news contributor, but also the wonderful designer of our recent months’ Social Media creations. She has done a great job

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Suzan’s 2 Cents & Fusion’s First Student

ABOVE is Suzan in her front row PINK shirt at Xayleen’s Tuesday, every week! BELOW her happy Fusion smile and proudly displaying her Reiki Certificate on the back right! Suzan was our very FIRST Fusion student 9 ½ years ago when my vision became clear on the energy and focus for our special place. I know Suzan was and is instrumental in seeing us still here after all these years.

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Yoga, The Power, The Proof — Coco’s 2 Cents

Left Coco & Renee, Right CocoBelow is our spirited Colleen who Gina met about 4 years ago on Fort Myers Beach, encouraging her to teach at Fusion As we almost wrap up our 2 Cents Summer Share Series, here’s Coco’s. You may recognize her as she’s full of soulful and colorful spirit. Also coveting the back row! Please take the time…wait for it…Here’s her two cents: I had no idea my life was about to

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💓 URGENT…Renee’s Crucial and Powerful 2 Cents Recovery 💓

Time Sensitive ❣️ This powerful and important 2 Cents Share is sent earlier than the usual Sunday email as you will understand as you read to the end. I am especially honored and moved to share this heart tugging story from our Warrior of Life, Renee. She’s the cool yogi hugging her beloved back corner nook by the mirror. You may feel a little more emotional but certainly uplifted and

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Sally Starr’s 2 Cents Journey!

Be open to possibilities and the subtle nuances people may give us that lead us to amazing paths to be discovered. Sally’s 2 Cents below is a reminder to potential callings. I met Gina when I was selling a rug! The very rug in the boutique was new but not being used. I was not open to trying yoga at the time, although she for sure stayed in the back

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