Align & Connect

Alignment and Connection have varied meanings at Fusion to find higher levels of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual harmony. We teach as guides to practice as the ancient seer advised in Patanjali's 8 Limbed Path of Yoga (listed in italics after each practice).

Physical Alignment, like when we control our breath (pranayama) and body with our muscles engaged, line up our feet, hips, arms, hands, head, our spine, and so on for proper movement and postures (asana). Physical Connection is the sensation of the earth beneath you, space around you and the feeling of your body lifting, stretching, opening, strengthening, balancing as you may move, or be still. You move with control, then reflect to feel. 

We may also seek Soul Alignment and Connection. Our mindful and positive behaviors and practices (yamas and niyamas), align us mentally and emotionally with good intentions. Our breath is easy, body is balanced, thoughts are quiet as distractions are released (pratyahara), concentration becomes focused (dharana). We are then more aligned to ease into meditation (dhyana). I think of it as our mind going deeper, yet higher in vibrations, as we are prepared to experience a state of connection with divine consciousness (samadhi).

We shifted to Align and Connect physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We are in harmony with all energies, earthly and beyond. Hence, the power of practicing with positive intentions with our Fusion mantra, Breathe, Move, Connect.

Striving to Align & Connect,


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.


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