Meet Your Powerful Energy Body

Meet your amazing Luminescent Energy Body (LEB). The more connected you are with your bioelectrical magnetic fields and body, the more quality and quantity you may expect for life. These fields you may know as your aura, meridians, chakras and nadis. They are pathways for vital energy to be in motion to travel in all directions as it’s meant to, versus stagnant or depleted in areas.  We offer two powerful and

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All This Talk About Love

“Follow your heart but take your brain with you”, by Austrian psychotherapist, Alfred Adler makes sense. Check in with logic and wisdom yet allow ourselves to be vulnerable and reactive with feelings and intuition. A life without love because we live in too much caution and fear lacks luster. I chose this quote for our well known holiday this week, Valentine’s Day. Originally based on Saint Valentine with legends of feasts

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Karma & The Golden Rule

 One of my private yoga students, Alan and I meet at least twice a week for over 5 years. We ponder and share various thoughts as part of our Satsang, sacred gathering during yoga practice. Without debate we contemplate many subjects with just simple straight up talk and respectful listening. We recently reflected on our own beliefs of higher consciousness and what divine forces try to teach us, and what

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