Embracing Change with Cheers Not Fears

Rainbows of Light are all around us if we just keep our hearts and eyes open, Natalie & Gina in Telluride at 12,000 feet In my younger days I resisted change from anything away from my comfort zone. The unknown greatly intimidated me. Often resisting I made the inevitable more difficult. I missed out on the adventure laid out before me by the secrets of the universe, like a covert operation.  I

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Happy Great Attitude

Gratitude always reflects a Great Attitude. Delete an “e”, “a”, “t” and “t” and that’s what we get. Same thing with our thoughts. Delete pessimism, resentment, anger, and any negative thoughts substituted with optimism, acceptance, love and forgiveness and we’ll likely find a happy, thankful self.  Have you ever known someone that just simply has a positive attitude? They gently or boldly smile. You can see it, sense it, and best of

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Change Chaos into Calm

No one in the world has been unscathed by the past few years and more recent events near and afar. From dis-ease, natural disasters, family and financial matters, global conflicts, and more. Yogis and Lightworkers know that we have protection and healing Energy Tool Kits for times in need.  Daily self-care and routine rituals known as Dinacharya in Arurveda prevent and help heal chaos in the body and mind as we’ve learned

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The Power of Touch to Feel

The power of touch to feel with our fingertips, hands, feet or anywhere else enables us to protect, function best and experience various sensations. Our skin is our largest organ and each square inch contains about 1000 nerve endings. Imagine your whole body! When we touch someone or something we may feel it as cool, warm, smooth, textured, soft, hard, dull, sharp, moving or still, for instance. Sometimes it’s pleasant and other times, not so much. In a

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