Demystify the Mystified 3rd Eye

Ever wonder why the 6th Chakra is called the Third Eye?  Me too. For years I wanted to better understand this ancient belief that spans many cultures including the Egyptians’ Eye of Horus, the Mayans, Greeks, Asians and Hindus.  I discovered some science behind the concept of an “eye” located at the center of the brain, the size of a pea, shaped like a small pinecone, our Pineal Gland pronounced pin-ee-uhl. It guides our circadian rhythms

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Our Super Highway for our Brain & Body

Our 5th Chakra is the clear like the sky blue Throat,  or Visshuda in Sanskrit, and is our superhighway between the Heart Brain to next week’s theme, the Third Eye. It is our chakra for communication. This space is small yet includes the neck and immediate spaces that lead to it, as well as our ears and mouth. So, what we eat, drink and speak affects it vibrationally. Think about how

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Our Heart Brain

Our Heart Brain when connected to the beautiful energy of our Heart Chakra can bring us better health, great joy and divine love.   The single Torus Field image illustrates our body’s bioelectrical magnetic energy field generating to and from our heart. As energy spirals out, up and around the human body, down to and below our feet, then back up to our heart we experience a continual circuit of energy known as

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Fire Up the Solar Power!

The Solar Chakra is our 3rd of 7 major chakras connecting our Sacral Chakra we reviewed last week and our Heart Chakra (next week). The color associated is brilliant yellow like the sun, a “shining gem” as Manipura in sanskrit indicates. Located at the Solar Plexus, it represents our inner power and sits just above the navel. When we clear, replenish and activate our solar chakra we feel more empowered, confident,

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Your Sacred Sacrum

The Sacral Chakra has been considered sacred as far back in history as the ancient Egyptian civilization. Energetically our Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, thrives in the area our hips. This orange sphere of energy is our center for creativity, pleasure, passion. Think reproduction and creativity physically, emotionally and mentally, a truly sacred center. Anatomically, the back region of the hips contains our sacrum, a large triangular bone connecting the

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Chakra Kickoff – Root to Rise!

Kicking off our annual new year tradition of Chakra Energy Center series with…Root to Rise, a common term by yoga teachers to ground our feet firmly then move upward to a full standing position. We use Pada Bandha, the energy locks in our feet, engaged muscles and sturdy bones as we extend through our torso and lengthen our spine, reach through our arms, hands, and ultimately our heavy head at

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Vision Quest 2023! 4 Steps to No New Year Resolution

Sincere wishes to manifest what your heart desires to attract for your highest and best good for 2023! Ah, if it were only that easy. More must be done than me simply wishing it to be. Instead of a resolution to a goal try my more specific and powerfully effective 4 Steps to Manifestation Methodto create what you desire. Works wonders for me and many others. 1st – Contemplate, meditate, evaluate what it is you

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Energy Forces of Yoga

Reverse Triangle Pose focuses on opposing forces of engagement and energy from a grounded front foot, through the side body, traveling to extended arm and fingertips.  Last week we reviewed the true meaning of the yoga style, vinyasa when we link breath and movement intentionally through transitioning one poses to the next. This week we rediscover Hatha Yoga, often referred to as the action of opposing forces, like the sun and the moon, during a mindful practice. Hatha in Sanskrit means force. The

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Find Your Flow!

Flow in the yoga world is often referenced for a specific style of movement. In traditional yoga, we call it vinyasa. To simplify, linking breath with a movement, breath first to initiate the intention of the movement as you bring in fresh oxygen and open up, or release toxins and make space to move deeper. It is based on hatha, vinyasa and ashtanga vinyasa principle yoga styles with benefits of enhancing circulation, warming the body

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Super 6 Spinal Movements!

Flow in the yoga world is often referenced for a specific style of movement. In traditional yoga, we call it vinyasa. To simplify, linking breath with a movement, breath first to initiate the intention of the movement as you bring in fresh oxygen and open up, or release toxins and make space to move deeper. It is based on hatha, vinyasa and ashtanga vinyasa principle yoga styles with benefits of enhancing circulation, warming the body

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