Crystal Clear Vision

Always curious about mysticism, history and science, I was fascinated by references of a 3rd Eye in ancient art and cultures like the Mayans, Greeks, Asians and Hindus. I needed proof. I researched to find evidence of our Pineal Gland (pin-ee-uhl) located at the brain’s center the size of a pea, shaped like a small pine cone with microcrystals. Like an “eye” this gland senses and responds to light. This

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Clear Your Throat and Sing

A 4th grade student was singing with gusto until her music teacher told her in front of her class and 6th graders, “Gina, sit this one out so we can hear how the song sounds”. Yes, it was me and I was mortified. I never sang again if anyone could hear me. Not even alone. Perfect lip syncing became my future. Even in church. I suffered many sore throats, colds,

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When You Know Your Heart Chakra is Open

What happens when your heart chakra is cleared & open The image captures what happens when your Heart Chakra is clear, open and radiating pure love vibrations. You know, that feeling you get when you may even get teary eyed, your heart flutters and sings. Chelsea from Arizona and I were roommates in the jungles of Costa Rica for 7 nights last week. I never shared a room with a

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Our Sacred Sacral Chakra

3D illustration of Hip Skeleton, medical concept. The Sacral Chakra has been considered sacred as far back as Egyptian times. Energetically our Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthasana in Sanskrit thrives in the area of our hips above the tail bone but below the navel. Our sacrum is a large triangular bone connecting the base of the spine between the tailbone and the last lumbar vertebrae in the back region of our hips.

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Root for Red

First stop with our Fusion Chakra series, Root Chakra. This one I need reminders for every day with my busy, unpredictable careers and lifestyle. Being rooted or grounded balances and stabilizes me for a better sense of security. The Root Chakra energy center, Muladhara in Sanskrit is at the base of our spine, encompassing our lower back and sitting bones. We stoke its energy when we engage Mula Bandha, our

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Chasing Chakra Rainbows

My double rainbow in St. Thomas, where the ocean touched the sky. When I first heard about Chakras many years ago, and even in Yoga Teacher Training, I honestly didn’t get it, or buy into the supposed colors, purpose, etc. for each area of 7 Major Chakras. One day in the streets of Rome I had my “aha!” moment. There were individual colored flags around the Forum and I got

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Seva, Linking Yoga & Holiday Intentions

Traditionally the spirit of this holiday season includes a desire to gift give to show love. I admit, this is my lesser need of the 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. It’s not that I don’t appreciate them but my preference to express and receive love has always been “acts of service”, linked with “quality time”. I naturally enjoy helping others. When someone does something helpful for me, and shares

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Resist or Welcome Change

Temple of Dawn in Bangkok, Thailand, named for the stunning way it appears at dawn as light shines upon it to reveal its magnificence. Change is one of our best teachers, encouraging us to grow instead of remaining stagnant. In younger days I ran from change. A new schoolteacher, friends, season changes, moving, you name it. I cringed, preferring predictability for comfort. I moved to Asia at 7 years old, crying

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December Dogs

Let’s get Down and Up with our favorite yoga dogs! As we enter winter and our final month of 2024, let’s warm up our muscles and strengthen our bodies. I often see some who rush to get into these poses that I would rather savor and process as I am transitioning, feeling myself align and transcend. Remembering my early days as a yogi in Downward Facing Dog as I cringed hearing

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Wellness Warriors

Tomorrow is Veterans Day, a legal holiday reminding us to honor those that served for purposes of peace and protection for Americans. Originally known as Armistice Day on November 11, 1919. Later in1954 it became Veterans Day, more specific for its intention. My wish, my intention at Fusion and beyond is that we somehow pay it back to serve our Veterans, and their families, and all those who serve the public

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