Moods of the Moon

Ever feel a bit more moody with a full moon or a lunar eclipse like we just experienced? I do. Our moonlight and our bodies shift as the moon’s surface darkens or glows from reflective light and location with our sun. We both react to the gravitational pulls and the changes in light we receive. Our earth is covered by about 71% water according to NASA, of which about 96% is

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Wisdom Seekers

Our Mr. Froggy mascot is always seeking wisdom (a gift from my dear friend Tammy) As I write this blog as I do always, I begin as a Wisdom Seeker. I must find interest in the topic, research for truth, attempt to experience personally, then simplify and share any wisdom if welcomed. If it doesn’t interest me, I usually go no further. If it does, look out as I can

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March On Up to Your 8th Chakra

My 1st and favorite quartz crystal I acquired on Maui, 1988 reminds me of my Soul Star Yes, there’s an 8th, your Soul Star, Viyapani Chakra, sometimes called the Seat of the Soul. Recognizing my star helps me understand I am part of something so immense and infinite, not separate. My aura. I was always fascinated by religious and spiritual art illustrating halos, yet thinking they were only for angels

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Your Crown Jewel

Tada! We arrive at our Crown, the 7th of our major Chakras. Glowing lustrous violet hues form into a pure white royal crown found at the top center of our head, and slightly above. Our Crown Jewel, Sahasrara (Suh-has-ra-ra) meaning a thousand petals and represents Higher Consciousness, Enlightenment, ultimate and divine connection with a higher power. Maybe you call this power, God, Creator, All Knowing, Spirit, Consciousness or something else

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Crystal Clear Vision

Always curious about mysticism, history and science, I was fascinated by references of a 3rd Eye in ancient art and cultures like the Mayans, Greeks, Asians and Hindus. I needed proof. I researched to find evidence of our Pineal Gland (pin-ee-uhl) located at the brain’s center the size of a pea, shaped like a small pine cone with microcrystals. Like an “eye” this gland senses and responds to light. This

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Chasing Chakra Rainbows

My double rainbow in St. Thomas, where the ocean touched the sky. When I first heard about Chakras many years ago, and even in Yoga Teacher Training, I honestly didn’t get it, or buy into the supposed colors, purpose, etc. for each area of 7 Major Chakras. One day in the streets of Rome I had my “aha!” moment. There were individual colored flags around the Forum and I got

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Resist or Welcome Change

Temple of Dawn in Bangkok, Thailand, named for the stunning way it appears at dawn as light shines upon it to reveal its magnificence. Change is one of our best teachers, encouraging us to grow instead of remaining stagnant. In younger days I ran from change. A new schoolteacher, friends, season changes, moving, you name it. I cringed, preferring predictability for comfort. I moved to Asia at 7 years old, crying

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Peace in the Pause

Sometimes less words, more quiet is appropriate, better for mind-body wellness. As we go through adjustments before, during or after life’s curve balls, finding the space in between is powerfully healing. Yoga practice is designed to start off softly for centering and grounding, build up to work through the body and mind distractions, concluded with savasana to allow us time to feel, reflect, even heal as we let any residual tension

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Reach for the Light

Lotus reaches from the mud to the Light Several years ago when my light didn’t feel so bright, I had to make a commitment to use my wisdom and knowledge to get out of a darker, sad state of mind. I had to pick myself up to be a positive leader and feel better. A choice to thrive, not just to survive. Stay in the mud or emerge to the light

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Seva and Serenity, Calm After the Storm

You know the phrase, the calm before the storm, the quiet before a disturbance. We now need the Calm AFTER the Storm. We have tools to help us navigate and respond best before, during and after the storms of life. Hurricane Helene is one of those major life-changing disturbances. As an empath, I feel deep emotions for others suffering. My heart hurts. I have learned about healthier reactions that are within

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