Moods of the Moon

Ever feel a bit more moody with a full moon or a lunar eclipse like we just experienced? I do. Our moonlight and our bodies shift as the moon’s surface darkens or glows from reflective light and location with our sun. We both react to the gravitational pulls and the changes in light we receive. Our earth is covered by about 71% water according to NASA, of which about 96% is

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Your Crown Jewel

Tada! We arrive at our Crown, the 7th of our major Chakras. Glowing lustrous violet hues form into a pure white royal crown found at the top center of our head, and slightly above. Our Crown Jewel, Sahasrara (Suh-has-ra-ra) meaning a thousand petals and represents Higher Consciousness, Enlightenment, ultimate and divine connection with a higher power. Maybe you call this power, God, Creator, All Knowing, Spirit, Consciousness or something else

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Sing A Meditation

Kirtan is singing with intention and devotion, also known as Bhakti yoga. The lyrics are known as mantras which are chanted like a song or hymn, and usually accompanied with musical instruments. Japa meditation is repetition of the mantras. Last Thursday after a busy day, I missed my Win for Wellness activity so decided to slip in a webinar to check the daily box. Instead, it was a Live Krisha Das

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