Your Crown Jewel

Tada! We arrive at our Crown, the 7th of our major Chakras. Glowing lustrous violet hues form into a pure white royal crown found at the top center of our head, and slightly above. Our Crown Jewel, Sahasrara (Suh-has-ra-ra) meaning a thousand petals and represents Higher Consciousness, Enlightenment, ultimate and divine connection with a higher power. Maybe you call this power, God, Creator, All Knowing, Spirit, Consciousness or something else that resonates.

I am still a work in progress for finding a disciplined meditation practice but know that I am on the right path every time I take a "time-out for self-care". I am motivated because it's proven to positively alter our brain's neuroplasticity, and the whole body's frequency to bring sensations of harmony and better health. Those who practice attest to its remarkable effects. I meditate when I hike solo, snorkel, or simply sit quietly in nature.

When we release distractions in our body and mind, we are more able to connect with our Crown frequency. We gain clarity. Set yourself up for success. Try these practices to attain connection to your whole energy body and beyond.

  • Crown/Sahasrara Mudra - Join your right to left thumbs and index finger and extend the other 3 fingers like a crown at the top of your head.
  • Pranayama with Alternate Nostril Breathing/Nadi Shodhana is my favorite. Release and notice the shift.
  • Asanas to include any level of Inversions with your head below your heart, and deep poses on the floor that are held longer to powerfully release tension. Always conclude in stillness for Savasana/Corpse Pose, or if seated it must be a comfortable Pose/Sukhasana to enhance your ability to clear and connect.
  • Close your eyes softly and sense a Silent OM mantra. Visualize violet to pure light vibrations illuminating your Crown

Witness the effects to gain calm and more bliss in your life and commit to a realistic meditation ritual. Breathe. Move. Connect.

Peace and Connection,


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.

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