Vision Quest 2023! 4 Steps to No New Year Resolution

Sincere wishes to manifest what your heart desires to attract for your highest and best good for 2023! Ah, if it were only that easy. More must be done than me simply wishing it to be. Instead of a resolution to a goal try my more specific and powerfully effective 4 Steps to Manifestation Methodto create what you desire. Works wonders for me and many others.

1st - Contemplate, meditate, evaluate what it is you really want, but also determine why.

  • Take time to ponder, visualize the benefits and how you may reasonably achieve it.
  • Meditate, ask for guidance from your higher self. Let your intuition be your guide.
  • Ask those you trust what they think if you need another perspective.

2nd - Remove and clear the negative thoughts, patterns, distractions and detriments to achieve what you desire.

  • What stopped you in your tracks in the past that you need to navigate through better this time.
  • Say out loud positive affirmations with words or mantras like, "I can, I will, I deserve, I create..."

3rd - Commit to the actions you will take to accomplish the positive outcome.

  • Journal, write specific action words and expected accomplishment and post where visible.
  • Create and display a Vision Board or post associated images in daily view.
  • Tell somebody who will support you and hold you accountable.

4th - Reevaluate, Regroup, Redesign, Restart as needed.

  • Recognize and record any and all actions and accomplishments, and celebrate. 
  • Recognize any distractions that may have derailed you and conquer them.
  • Is your goal and the actions needed and benefits still worth the journey? If so…
  • Stay motivated and keep your Tapas inner fire burning with desire. Reboot, refresh, you got this!

We are offering a wonderful opportunity at Fusion on January 7th to create your own Vision Board.

I've made 3 boards to date and approximately 90% of what I visualized and committed to on paper came true. I've chased waterfalls in US and abroad, engaged in a more plant-based diet, studied the chakra energy system and luminescent body, embarked and complete higher levels of Yoga, Ayurveda and Reiki knowledge and certification, traveled to faraway places to self-study and explore new places like Telluride for the return of a yoga festival, completed a Camino de Santiago in NW Spain, Costa Rica for 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training, led 4 Yoga Teacher Training programs, hiked Western North Carolina mountains and even hiked the Grand Canyon!

My Vision Quests over the last few years may have been delayed with travel restrictions and other detractors but once the coast was clear, I jumped back into my driver’s seat to navigate into my new realities. 

Cheers, Salute for all of our dreams to manifest in 2023!


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.

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