Our Most Powerful Tool, at Your Fingertips!

Your hands can be your most powerful tools for optimal health and are your connection to five major elements. They sense through touch, protect, guide and enable you to perform in many of life's activities, including expression.

Ancient yoga philosophies, along with Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, recognize the concentration of powerful elemental energies at our fingertips. The image above illustrates each element and related digit. The thumb represents fire, first (index) finger represents air, middle finger is space/ether, third (ring) finger is earth and the little (pinky) finger represents water. I first made a practical connection realizing that our thumbs are where we feel the strongest pulse and it's usually warmer than my fingers, linking the fire element. Then I opened my mind to these ancient and current schools of knowledge and possibility. 

On a molecular level we are basically all made up of these same elements in some way,  all manifesting through vital life force energy, prana.  We can easily recognize two of the elements. The human body is composed of about 65-80% water, which is responsible for the flow of nutrients and waste, and we know we breathe air into our lungs which transfers to every cell. So how are we also composed of fire, earth and space? Our normal body temperature of 97.6 to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, generating warmth, metabolism and detoxification. Our body heats when there is cause to fire up the generator, so to speak. Earth relates to the nutrients we consume and release, and space as we are always exchanging with the universe as we move, receive and give. 

A thorough doctor will look at our hands and palms. Traditional or Eastern medicine practices will advise and treat based on observations and further diagnostics. Some ancient practices and medicine believe we can improve imbalances in our subtle energy body with with intentional hand mudras or gestures, using our fingers, thumb, and our pulse. We will explore hand mudras in later themes and many of our Fusion teachers utilize them during our yoga classes, me included. I love them!

These 5 elements are all necessary for human life, whether through subtle energies and pathways, or more literally in our modern world, as we have come to understand our chemistry, made up of atoms, elements, then molecules in different vibrational frequencies and countless compositions. All of these elements allow us to breathe, move and connect our thoughts with our body, and to survive.


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.


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