Mother Earth’s Mothers

Mother Gaia, a mythical goddess through which all are made on earth. She gives us food and water, protects us with just the right resources. She grounds us with magnetic forces, sustains us with her air, plant medicines, and more. Yet, we disconnect from our ancestral mother with neglect and abuse. Sometimes she counteracts our actions with natural forces to nudge us back on track. I honor her today and commit to do better always, encouraging others to do the same, for without her there is no life.

Today is Mother's Day, and although all my ancestral birth mothers are in spirit, there are many people in my life offering similar maternal traits of which I honor. The ones who love me unconditionally, the women I observe nurturing another, and those who show even the simplest kindness to another. Some never gave birth but are "moms" with their own maternal instincts and actions. Notice them, love them.

Want to see things change for the better in our world? Then care for our "mothers" including our planet, and ALL her inhabitants EVERY day. Watch and see how even more love is returned. Our feminine nature is greatly needed. Karma, for every action there is an equal reaction.

With love, 


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.

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