Courage and Compassion for Coping

This past week I experienced hearing sad situations for some of my close Fusion Family and Community. Whether a recent illness, loss of a loved one, a family pet, or a troubled romance. I have had my share of grief and reflect on how I got through it. 

First, I recognized I had to go through the process and give myself permission to feel. From there I navigated how to get through the dark forest of emotions to find the light again. It was a process requiring Courage on my part. The strength to tell myself it was not the end of the world, I still had "work" to do and needed to pull myself together. I call it Staying in the Light to Be the Light.

Then there was the Compassion from others who listened, allowed me to cry, be irritated, and even laugh again without judgement. I will always have a special place in my heart for those brave yet loving warriors who led me through my inner battles. It's an uncomfortable place for others to know what to say or do, but you were never unnoticed for simply being there instead of avoiding me. Thank you.

If you know someone who is struggling, toss them a lifeline. Reach out, encourage them to allow you to help. If they are like me, they immediately decline. Remind them it takes Courage andCompassion for yourself to allow another to guide them through the darkness. Sometimes it is necessary to get to the other side. Check in on them with sincerity which makes their world feel brighter. A longer hug, a gentle smile, even a phone call is powerful. Your Courage to  make a difference can have a powerful impact on another's ability to Cope and heal.

Grievers, you are not alone. Let us help you grieve with grace. All you need to do is open the door and let us in. We may feel uncertain on what we should do to help, so let us know and we WILL be likely be there.

Staying in the Light to Be the Light,


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.

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