March On Up to Your 8th Chakra

My 1st and favorite quartz crystal I acquired on Maui, 1988 reminds me of my Soul Star
Yes, there's an 8th, your Soul Star, Viyapani Chakra, sometimes called the Seat of the Soul. Recognizing my star helps me understand I am part of something so immense and infinite, not separate. My aura. I was always fascinated by religious and spiritual art illustrating halos, yet thinking they were only for angels and above.

We also have this halo located above our Crown extending up to 12", not actually attached to our physical body but our etheric body. This chakra space is the link, the passage between what you may believe is all of you, to your universal self and ancient wisdom. Some beliefs and traditions say it connects us with our past lives, present and future, the Akashic records.
The more peaceful and clear I am, the brighter and translucent I feel my Soul Star shine. I feel content knowing that my soul is safe and with me and eternal as I navigate this earthbound life and body.

As an energy practitioner "Lightworker" I have noticed that I am able to see when someone's Star is bright, or dim. I have confirmed my findings simply complimenting, or otherwise asking, "Is everything ok?" when I sense dimness. When I do energy work like Reiki, I sense the fields around the recipient and myself with intent to clear and access for clarity and communication.
When you take actions to harmonize your 7 Major Chakras, you clear the passage for access connecting your earthbound self to your immortal light being self. Notice your wholeness, body and soul. Find the peace and wisdom of your eternal light.
Shine Bright,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.
Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have this wish I wish tonight.