Fusion’s Mantra – Breathe. Move. Connect

Breathe. Move. Connect... Fusion's mantra, our motto, our mission was selected personally by me almost 9 years ago for all who enter our space to feel better than when they came in. My associated intention, Sankalpa in Sanskrit, has always been to focus on all actions that will facilitate manifestation of a happy, healthy life. And a reminder that breath, movement and connection to self, others and even a higher consciousness is imperative. Focused Breath combined with mindful movement is considered a credible form of moving meditation and as beneficial as stillness when appropriate.
Breath offers more calm and peace when life gets harried. It cools or warms us, and gives us necessary energy. When we focus on breath, we release other pestering distractions and center inward.
Movement is also vital for a healthier life. We are designed to move our bodies as they are aligned with all of our organs to function properly. Breath in itself includes movement, in a subtler way or even more rapidly. Our bodies at their cellular level are always in a state of motion.
Connection can have many meanings. Maybe we connect breath with body, breath and movement for energy or release of tension, mind-body-spirit, or divinity. Or simply connect with our community, our more peaceful thoughts, our higher self. The choice is yours, we are your passionate and determined guides.
Please drop us a line and let me know what it means to you. I will do an additional October raffle drawing for a special prize among the responders. Send to my attention this month at info@fusionyogawellness.com
With much love,
Gina, one of your Fusion Lighthouse Keepers
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.