When You Know Your Heart Chakra is Open

What happens when your heart chakra is cleared & open The image captures what happens when your Heart Chakra is clear, open and radiating pure love vibrations. You know, that feeling you get when you may even get teary eyed, your heart flutters and sings. Chelsea from Arizona and I were roommates in the jungles of Costa Rica for 7 nights last week. I never shared a room with a

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Chasing Chakra Rainbows

My double rainbow in St. Thomas, where the ocean touched the sky. When I first heard about Chakras many years ago, and even in Yoga Teacher Training, I honestly didn’t get it, or buy into the supposed colors, purpose, etc. for each area of 7 Major Chakras. One day in the streets of Rome I had my “aha!” moment. There were individual colored flags around the Forum and I got

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Right NOW, Pay Attention

Right Now. Pay attention. I’ve heard it many times from parents, teachers, and my own inner voice. Yes, I get easily distracted. Think “squirrel!”. The student who looks out the window in class, more visual than audio oriented. I hit “rewind” often. With the help of yoga I have learned to focus more on my presence in the moment. If I catch myself not attentive, I pause and refocus. Yoga Sutra 1.1,

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