Your Crown Jewel

Tada! We arrive at our Crown, the 7th of our major Chakras. Glowing lustrous violet hues form into a pure white royal crown found at the top center of our head, and slightly above. Our Crown Jewel, Sahasrara (Suh-has-ra-ra) meaning a thousand petals and represents Higher Consciousness, Enlightenment, ultimate and divine connection with a higher power. Maybe you call this power, God, Creator, All Knowing, Spirit, Consciousness or something else

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Seva, Linking Yoga & Holiday Intentions

Traditionally the spirit of this holiday season includes a desire to gift give to show love. I admit, this is my lesser need of the 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. It’s not that I don’t appreciate them but my preference to express and receive love has always been “acts of service”, linked with “quality time”. I naturally enjoy helping others. When someone does something helpful for me, and shares

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Right NOW, Pay Attention

Right Now. Pay attention. I’ve heard it many times from parents, teachers, and my own inner voice. Yes, I get easily distracted. Think “squirrel!”. The student who looks out the window in class, more visual than audio oriented. I hit “rewind” often. With the help of yoga I have learned to focus more on my presence in the moment. If I catch myself not attentive, I pause and refocus. Yoga Sutra 1.1,

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She Was Right

She was right! Exactly 5 years ago today, I met with one of my first long-term private yoga students who wished to get healthier in mind and body. She knows who she is (respecting her privacy) I send a BIG shout out to say, “thank you”. We formed a special bond during our 159 Private classes and 1 Reiki session. I’m so glad I Listened Without Ego as she shared her

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