Right NOW, Pay Attention

Right Now. Pay attention. I've heard it many times from parents, teachers, and my own inner voice. Yes, I get easily distracted. Think "squirrel!".
The student who looks out the window in class, more visual than audio oriented. I hit "rewind" often. With the help of yoga I have learned to focus more on my presence in the moment. If I catch myself not attentive, I pause and refocus.
Yoga Sutra 1.1, Atha yoga anushasanam in sanskrit, now the teachings of yoga. Listen up. The power of now is loud and clear. Be fully in the present moment, the only thing guaranteed to us. Even while reading this blog. No thoughts of past, future, or external distractions should steal your attention. Focus.

Yoga is Now. Almost 2000 years ago in India, Patanjali scribed the Yoga Sutras (threads, sutures), a collection of 196 aphorisms that weave a path to find peace of mind, pure consciousness. So appropriate that the first is to be present starting now.
How many times have you missed out on something amazing or important, an experience you could have enjoyed? Or maybe you fortunately prevented a mishap by not being distracted.
An effective yoga class begins and ends as we center in for the moment. Maybe eyes closed, some deliberate breath practice, an intention is set. Now we do yoga. Then trust what will be revealed to you. The present is our gift we may receive and give freely.
Present in this moment,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.