How is your yoga and self-care discipline this National Yoga Awareness Month? Confession of a yogi, mine slipped as soon as I stopped my Win for Wellness last month. I am one of those needing deadlines and reminders. I actually like the proverbial, report card. I'd love a yoga buddy to say, "Where are you?" or "Let's go!" I enjoy it immensely; I just need to carve out "me time" without compromise. I do give myself credit for at least some mentally and physically checking in everyday, just need more checking out time from distractions to feel better and healthier.

YOLO, You Only Live Once reminds us to make this life a good one, the best it can be. Yoga philosophy gives us power to do that, to heal and appreciate our past samskaras (imprints negative and positive), enjoy the present more fully and peacefully, and make adjustments to manifest our desires.

Ancient yogis handed us much wisdom for a better life. About 4-5000 years ago seers in India scribed the Vedas. Yoga then focused more on developing the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects than the physical, asanas compared to much of yoga here in the west. Although healthy movement is needed to live in a healthy body, it wasn't the main focus.


The initial two verses of 96 aphorisms written by Patanjali Maharishi in the Yoga Sutras over 2000 years ago are key. Atha Yoga Anusmhasam teaches us to find discipline, and Yoga Citti Vritti Nirodha to calm and release distractions of the mind. Ah, so we must have self-control to find more bliss! I believe they knew that many people are like me, needing discipline and awareness. I cannot fool myself. When aware, I get motivated and get back on my mat and take a mental time out.

As we continue our awareness for National Yoga Month, think about how your yoga journey has, or may help your life; past, present and future. For those that seek peace, body and mind wellness, the option to find deeper and sacred meaning of life (spirituality), then explore yoga. No excuse is worth it to not do some daily ritual for healing and manifesting. See our 2-week special if you've been absent or are new to Fusion. Let's go!

Never giving up for YOLO with YOGA,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.
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