Seva and Serenity, Calm After the Storm

You know the phrase, the calm before the storm, the quiet before a disturbance. We now need the Calm AFTER the Storm. We have tools to help us navigate and respond best before, during and after the storms of life. Hurricane Helene is one of those major life-changing disturbances. As an empath, I feel deep emotions for others suffering. My heart hurts. I have learned about healthier reactions that are within

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How is your yoga and self-care discipline this National Yoga Awareness Month? Confession of a yogi, mine slipped as soon as I stopped my Win for Wellness last month. I am one of those needing deadlines and reminders. I actually like the proverbial, report card. I’d love a yoga buddy to say, “Where are you?” or “Let’s go!” I enjoy it immensely; I just need to carve out “me time”

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Yoga Month, Yoga Day…it’s all the same

Saluting the Sun, as I can balance on a paddleboard due to yoga.  September is National Yoga Month to raise awareness.  My yoga story: For me, I never knew anyone who practiced, or any place that offered yoga until I went to my local gym to get back in shape 15 years ago and discovered they offered yoga classes. I will “try it” I thought. Embarrassed, I entered and asked

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Go Out on a Limb to Get to the Fruit

Last weekend I decided to Go Out on a Limb to Get to the Fruit. Escaping SW Florida heat into the Blue Ridge mountains of western North Carolina to a Power Yoga Summit with Travis Eliott and his wife/partner Lauren Eckstrom of Inner Dimension. I first hesitated knowing it would be super intense, packed with challenging practices for 4 days. But I went for it and my true grit kicked

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What I Learned About Me

I learned much about myself over the past 30 days during our Fusion Win for Wellness campaign. I created our Activity plan to commit to more healthy habits during a month in which I slack on my routines. I tracked my progress daily to practice yoga, walk in nature, meditate, read a book, enjoy a Fusion service or donate to a charity. Also refer someone, and write a review is

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