Who is Patanjali?
Since Fusion Yoga & Wellness is indeed a studio, a place to study yoga for wellness, I thought I would introduce authentic philosophies and history of yoga. You may have heard some or all of these terms during your time with us. Please keep an open mind as I am not intending to promote any specific religion, just simply intentions as a spiritualist wishing to share what I have explored, and to offer various tools for us to find more peace in this world we share together, as one.
Patanjali is called the Father of Yoga. He is best known for writing the Yoga Sutras, a classical and ancient yoga text written approximately 200 BCE/Before Common Era to 200 CE/Common Era. Sutra is Sanskrit and means thread. I appreciate this text because of its more condensed teachings for finding peace of mind.
The Yoga Sutras contain 196 aphorisms or principles of yoga studies and practice. His creation led to a simpler way to communicate and comprehend even more ancient philosophies, recorded to introduce yoga concepts for the general public. Patanjali is highly regarded in India as an influential Seer or Sage for our time.
Yoga simply means to Yoke, create a union of mind, body, soul and spirit and connection to calm the fluctuations of the mind. The sutras contain much information about the 8 Limbs of Yoga that our Fusion Yoga Teachers have all explored in their initial trainings and certifications and strive to practice and share with you.
The first two of Patanjali’s Limbs are the Yamas (restraint from unethical behavior) and Niyamas (observance or behavior), which help to manifest more positive character and actions. The next three, Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (breath control), and Pratyahara (sense withdrawal), enable control over the body, breath, and senses. Finally, Dharana (concentration), and Dhyana (meditation), help one to control the mind, leading the yogi to Samadhi (connection with the Divine).
The Bhagavad Gita, is probably the best known and respected religious text worldwide from ancient India. It is referred to as the Song of the Lord. It tells us that liberation is attained with the help of the mind. It's a series of hymns, like a poem telling a story of inner struggle. It leads to the understanding that the mind is the best ally for one who has conquered it, but the greatest enemy to one who fails to do so. Many famous people have referenced reading the Bhagavhad Gita and told of its influence, like Steve Jobs, Henry David Thoreau, Robert Oppenheimer, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Albert Einstein.
I feel both of these creations from ancient times, like the Bible, Torah and others offer much about common beliefs and behaviors... mind, body, soul self-care, discipline and love for others lead to purpose and peaceful lives for all. Yoga at Fusion is intended to combine those practices for our community and enhance the internal and external vibrations for harmony. I hope to offer a Fusion Book Club in the near future and perhaps we will explore these together. Interested? Let us know please.
Much love and inspiration,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.