Seva, Linking Yoga & Holiday Intentions

Traditionally the spirit of this holiday season includes a desire to gift give to show love. I admit, this is my lesser need of the 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. It's not that I don't appreciate them but my preference to express and receive love has always been "acts of service", linked with "quality time". I naturally enjoy helping others. When someone does something helpful for me, and shares their precious time, they've got my heart.
Yoga philosophy encourages practicing Seva, the act of selfless service. This usually costs the giver nothing but time, with intention to create more ease in another's life. No matter how small or large, it's a form of expressing love. If I give my time and help another, know that I share my love.
Volunteer, do a repair, run an errand, make a "care call", invite a friend to share a meal, a walk, it all matters and expresses a form or love. This often promotes joy and inner peace for both parties.
But recognize your Love Language may be gift giving, words of affirmation, and/or physical touch. So many excited gift givers have stopped in or called to get a Fusion Gift Certificate for someone. They are beaming!
I appreciate a gift most when selected personally for me from their heart, as I understand and accept they share love. Others rise up when receiving or giving a sincere smile, complement, and even Fusion hugs. Love vibes are palpable.
Pause and ask yourself what you prefer, and what your recipient of love may prefer. Then be guided as you bring joy, peace and inspire the spirit of love this season.
Love, Joy and Peace to All,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.