New You this New Year

Close out the old, make a New You. Yes, you get a reboot. I hear it accentuated every year," this one's got to be better than...!". But really, was it all bad? We should find things to be grateful for if we reflect with that intention. We will discover positive events, and lessons.
I spent more time with family and friends, moved out from 22 years of comfort into a new home, hiked solo, went to a challenging 3-day yoga retreat, had my first jet ski into open gulf waters hanging onto Captain Jesse (my son), saw special clients perform at the renovated Naples Players Theater, learned pickleball without injury, and much more. I let go of past treasures and created new ones. A new garden, new bed (lol), new friends. What's your reflection?
Onward we go! New year filled with new possibilities. Envision, take action and observe what unfolds. Detach from expected outcomes and trust when you are on the path, amazing things will happen. We don't have to predict the future, have fun as you explore and discover.
Create a vision board with Jen on the 11th, list your goals and action steps, make healthy changes, meditate and manifest.
Your body is always creating new cells, a new body as 330 billion cells turnover every day. Let your thoughts of the past do the same, without a recycling bin of the same old 95% of the stories the mind revisits. Create new stories.
I am teaching our New Year's Day class at 9:30. Join me. Reflect, Release, Restore, ReNew You!

My gift card inspiration from Zen Jen
Bye bye recycling, hello New Me,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.