My Yoga, Then & Now

Gina at Rock of Gibraltar getting acquainted with a Barbary Macaque, Gibraltar Monkey, southern Spain. 

Finding words for the purpose of National Yoga Awareness Month, I can only simplify by recognizing its importance in the world as we know it. My own lifestyle changed drastically over the years as I coped with change and struggles. Without yoga, I shudder to think how my usual Monkey Mind (state of chaos and restlessness) may have reacted.

Think for a moment when yoga was not part of your life. In western society, yoga is newer to us. I thought it a strange practice, only for monks, when I first observed it as a young girl living in Bangkok, Thailand in the late '60s. Eventually I viewed it only for California hippies in the '70s when back home.

Years later, I found myself stressed beyond healthy in my 40s after a lifelong intense career and body-mind neglect. I started seeking physical outlets. Stumbling into a gym, thinking yoga not for me, I decided to try something strange to me anyways. The opening grounding words, movements my body never experienced, and quiet time (savasana) I found most uncomfortable. An hour later, I was awakened to my foreign, yet beautiful world of possibilities in calmness. I recall my reaction, "that was better than a glass of wine". Like the peace I find in ancient, angelic churches in Europe. I wanted more.

Left: Wine Tasting in an ancient castle in Tuscany, Castello del Trebbio  

Right: Roman Church, when Mother Mary speaks to me.

This month, consider the positive changes yoga has offered you. Motivate yourself to stay consistent. At times I lose momentum like after my summer of chaos and travel, I get myself back into Fusion, around my like-minded community again. Then I am back in the saddle again! 

Get up, get Breathing, Moving & Connecting with us this month. Calm the monkey mind, nourish your body. Explore our classes, events, our divine sanctuary. Experience the positive shift within you. Set your Intention now. That simple.



Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N


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