Resist or Welcome Change

Temple of Dawn in Bangkok, Thailand, named for the stunning way it appears at dawn as light shines upon it to reveal its magnificence.
Change is one of our best teachers, encouraging us to grow instead of remaining stagnant. In younger days I ran from change. A new schoolteacher, friends, season changes, moving, you name it. I cringed, preferring predictability for comfort.
I moved to Asia at 7 years old, crying as I left my best friend, Nancy and my favorite school. For 2 years I yearned for home but look back now at the most incredible experience. I learned a new culture when most back then never left their hometown. I came back different, yet the foundation of this Gina was present but reshaped. Nancy accepted me and we were back to our usual shenanigans climbing trees, raking leaves, riding bikes, sledding and the things I missed in tropical Thailand.
Aparigraha in yoga philosophy is to practice non-grasping, non-hoarding. Letting go of "things" and our expectations of how life "should be". This new behavior for me took time and each change propelled me forward. When I resisted, I faltered. When I surrendered, amazing things happened for me, instead of to me.
We have many great changes to reflect on. Over a year ago we experienced several changes at Fusion. The moving on of Fusion teammates as new ones eagerly stepped in and up to advance our classes, customer service, events and more. Special thanks to Zen Jen who helps steer our Fusion Mothership. Her support, commitment, creativity has enabled much balance and harmony over the past year. Again, the universe conspired for us and Change was refreshing and welcomed like the dawn as her light reveals a new day, a new way.

Embracing Change,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.