Karma & The Golden Rule

One of my private yoga students, Alan and I meet at least twice a week for over 5 years. We ponder and share various thoughts as part of our Satsang, sacred gathering during yoga practice. Without debate we contemplate many subjects with just simple straight up talk and respectful listening. We recently reflected on our own beliefs of higher consciousness and what divine forces try to teach us, and what generations globally have attempted to interpret. Bottom line Alan says, "Live by the Golden Rule". Exactly!
Imagine if we all lived by this basic fact, what we reap, we sow. That's the Karmic Rule. For every action, there's an equal reaction. This includes our thoughts. Be more aware of the potential impact you create the next time you think, speak and demonstrate your intentions.
Karma Yoga is one of the four classical schools of yoga. It's a path of selfless, kind and generous service. It doesn't mean a practice with results that get rolled up in your mat after class. It means taking the benefits of your connected mind, body, soulful self out and into the world around you. Know that your actions will come back to you in some way, so show discipline and choose wisely. You have the power within you with infinite effects. Think, speak, and show love.
My happy thoughts for your happy heart,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.