December Dogs
Let’s get Down and Up with our favorite yoga dogs! As we enter winter and our final month of 2024, let's warm up our muscles and strengthen our bodies. I often see some who rush to get into these poses that I would rather savor and process as I am transitioning, feeling myself align and transcend.
Remembering my early days as a yogi in Downward Facing Dog as I cringed hearing "hold for 5 breaths". My arms shook, my mind racing and counting fast breaths so I could collapse in a Child's Pose for rest before anyone would notice. When a teacher called it a "resting pose", the sarcastic voice in my head said, "yeah, right!". It felt like eternity, looking around behind me to see some heels touching or closer to the ground. Not mine, still don't touch, and that's ok. I gradually straighten my legs as I take those 5 breaths. I now love the pose as I take time to pedal out my toes, bend and straighten my knees, even wiggle my hips and go deeper with each breath.
Downward Facing Dog (adho mukha svanasana) with firmly engaged hands and arms, bent knees as we push back on an exhale moving our hips and front torso back, leading muscle engagement to our legs, then heels towards the ground. Take a twist and reach an opposite hand to your lower outer leg or ankle then switch. Wag your tail and have fun. From the side we look like an upside-down V if we are not leaning forward but more back.
I love a transition with an inhale to a plank followed by an exhale to a low plank. Then an inhale to my favorite backbend.
Upward Facing Dog (urdhva mukha svanasana) is a powerful backbend, after an inhale and some gentle warmups. It usually follows low plank, knees on or off the mat. Pull your shoulders down and back away from your ears, bringing your chest forward. I prefer not to draw my head back too far but engage the chin (jalandhara bandha). I love holding with a few breaths as press into the tops of my feet lifting my kneecaps and thighs. Your back muscles and spine strengthen.
Practice and enjoy those 5 breaths as you warm up your body, generate more heat and strengthen your spine and muscles.
Lovin' the Dogs,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.