Clear Your Throat and Sing

A 4th grade student was singing with gusto until her music teacher told her in front of her class and 6th graders, "Gina, sit this one out so we can hear how the song sounds". Yes, it was me and I was mortified. I never sang again if anyone could hear me. Not even alone. Perfect lip syncing became my future. Even in church. I suffered many sore throats, colds, and insecurities. I admired those that expressed themselves through song and chants.
Things changed after my immersion into yoga and energy healing. I had to demonstrate chanting and participate in events and trainings. After my last training as a student required to chant in front of others not familiar with my fear, I heard with sincerity, "wow, you sounded beautiful! " Who me? Yes, me.
We should all be able to communicate with speech, song, sounds and vibrations that resonate good intentions. To express our passions without hesitation as long as they have purpose, are kind and honest. Otherwise, our throat and thoughts gets constricted.
Vishuddha, Sanskrit for our Throat Chakra energy center is located in the neck area. Sky blue in color, containing the elements of space and sound. A small area but vital channel between our head and body transports thoughts and commands to and from our brain and body. Our communication center and pathway to carry nutrition, hydration and drainage circulating between organs.
Practice good self-care as you clear and cleanse the throat daily with a gargle, brush your teeth, gums and tongue. Clear the clouds in the throat to reveal clarity.
Charge Vishuddha and chant the mantra H-A-M, like H-U-M. Even humming and singing makes your throat happy. Need some inspiration? Go to Amey's class on Sunday and Monday mornings as she chants and sings like a songbird with intention.

I speak my truth.
I let my voice be heard.
I do no harm with my words.
I speak with authenticity, grace and courage.
I express my creativity with ease and joy.
Speak truth with kindness, clarity and purpose. Hum to enhance vibrations. Sing with passion and self-expression. Then you will find this major 5th chakra clear, strong, helpful and healthy!
Learning to chirp and chant,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.