Wellness Warriors

Tomorrow is Veterans Day, a legal holiday reminding us to honor those that served for purposes of peace and protection for Americans. Originally known as Armistice Day on November 11, 1919. Later in1954 it became Veterans Day, more specific for its intention.

My wish, my intention at Fusion and beyond is that we somehow pay it back to serve our Veterans, and their families, and all those who serve the public as they work to preserve peace, goodwill, safety and freedom for all. Whether here or abroad, today, tomorrow and always.

Our job is simple. Be kind with our words and actions, showing compassion and understanding with mutual respect. Serve and help others in some positive way, remaining peaceful through the process. It's not as hard as we think. The power and the effects of your smile or small gesture is immeasurable.

We are the Wellness Warriors! Common yoga posture options include Warrior I, Warrior II, Warrior III, Peaceful (reverse) Warrior, and Humble Warrior. A Warrior pose in Sanskrit is known as Virabhadrasana. Vira = Hero, Bhadra = Friend. So, when you practice any of these you may think, I am a friendly hero for wellness, for yourself and others.

Be and see the good vibrations in your ripple effect. Ultimately, may we then all acquire better physical, mental and emotional health.

Peaceful Warrior for Wellness,


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.

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