Peace in the Pause

Sometimes less words, more quiet is appropriate, better for mind-body wellness. As we go through adjustments before, during or after life's curve balls, finding the space in between is powerfully healing.

Yoga practice is designed to start off softly for centering and grounding, build up to work through the body and mind distractions, concluded with savasana to allow us time to feel, reflect, even heal as we let any residual tension go.

The Pause for Peace. The Gap for grace. Silence for serenity. Exhales for ease. Consideration for connection. Reflection for renewal. Stillness for softening. Pick your pleasure.

It's ok to pause, take a time-out. We practice Ahimsa, to counteract harm as we allow proper care for ourselves, and others. We come out on the other side better, more calm and more productive when needed. Give yourself permission.

Peaceful in the pause,


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.

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