Win with Wellness

August is a time that seems to take me off track of my usual healthy routines. Maybe it's the heat or the old patterns of wrapping up summer plans. So, I am starting my 30 Day Wellness Winner ~ August Activities plan to motivate me to reboot and keep my momentum for what makes me feel best. Every time I see something that says 30 Day Challenge I cringe, feeling stress of unrealistic pressure I may put on myself. Feeling that I might mess up and not succeed. I learned many years ago that the best way to accomplish great things I may desire is to follow the SMART goal process. As long as I see the benefit and without difficulty to get there, see my progress along the way, I stay motivated.

Specific - defines the actions and goals for desired outcome

Measurable - quantitative to track progress

Attainable - must be realistic

Relevant- has a personal purpose 

Timebound - date or time period to be accomplished

To motivate you even more, I added a special incentive. Complete this 30 Day Wellness Winner card and receive $50 into your Fusion account to be used on any Fusion service (boutique excluded) when you submit your completed card. Pick up your card this week and get started. Determine your start and end date, then start completing 1 box per day of a combination of a Wellness Activity and fill in the date. Let's get started, you can do it!

Wellness Activities:

Fusion Yoga Class

Meditate (preferably 20 minutes)

Nature Walk

Fusion Service (August specials available)

Fusion Event or Workshop

Donation to a Charity

Read an entire Book that is wellness oriented or inspirational 

Watch or Listen to a wellness oriented or inspirational Webinar or Podcast

Write an Online Review

Make a Boutique purchase

Refer a Friend 

To get started, print your name, enter start and end date, enter numerical dates of each daily activity completed, include name of book, then submit at our desk. Jen or Gina will enter $50 into your Fusion account after review. August, here we come!

On my way to Wellness Winner,


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.


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