Spring Forward with Ease & Grace

Oh, the joy of Springing Forward. Today we find ourselves with less time in our first day into Daylight Savings Time, requiring a big adjustment to our body's natural Circadian Rhythm (CR). I find it quite challenging for my body and mind to accept this abrupt change to my internal clock, as do many others. 

 First, let's understand this unnatural time change we all must face. We have a built in 24 hour biological clock that doesn't coincide with this quick shift. We have reviewed our body's response to light and our Pineal Gland and Third Eye, discovering its control of melatonin production for sleep and wakefulness. Genes and hormones also effect our CR. Every tissue and organ has a biological clock and functions best when we cooperate with our internal timer through our behaviors. So time changes that don't coincide with the sun will disturb this internal timer.

 Rise with the Sunrise, Settle down with the Sun-set disciplines will keep you more balanced. Tune into your own clock with ancient and proven Ayurvedic practices known as the Science of Life in Indian cultures. Observe Dinacharya, daily routines to work more in sync with nature following the guidance of sun power. Wake and get moving with healthy habits at sunlight, wind down at sunset. The Ayurvedic Clock illustrated shows us a breakdown of healthy rituals for eating, work, hygiene, movement, reflection and rest time based on optimal physical and mental needs and abilities. They complement the need for movement, metabolism and digestion, lubrication, detoxification and rejuvenation. They are based on natural elements of earth, fire, water, air and ether/space that comprise our bodies and environment. 

No need to be a victim of unfriendly bi-annual time standard time changes. Gradually prepare for these inevitable events and work in harmony as you tune into your natural environment and body. Try to adhere to your ritual times throughout the year, everyday and be prepared for 1-hour local changes beyond our control with 15 minute increments of rising or settling in for the day. Follow as you may with the sun and this Ayurvedic clock of rituals and your body will respond with more ease and grace 365 days a year!  

Want to know more? Stay tuned for our Ayurveda workshops throughout the year . On April 1st with Certified Ayurvedic Specialists, Jen Taylor for various methods for body/mind harmony, and April 17th with JoAnn Ralph for healthier diet and digestion. 

 Guided by Sun Power,


Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.


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