Peace Party

I am often a history dissector before I write my blog, digging deep for a true story and its meaning in today's world. Thanksgiving seems so simple. Find gratitude, share a meal and a table with others. But I think there is more. A Peace Party.
History tell us of a feast in 1621 with our Native Americans and early English Pilgrims in Massachusetts. They shared knowledge and food, grateful for the exchange. But there is another important message.
Gatherings are meant to be a happy celebration without conflict. Instead of shelving them for a few hours, harboring them to repeat later, forgive and forget. Gratitude for all the other attributes the relationship brings to the party. And for our lives. Manifest Peace Players in your life, feed them compassion and thank them. You create more peace.
Amplify what really matters. So many things we often take for granted. Over 400 years ago, much of what we have did not exist in this country. More available food, a bed, electricity, running water, ability to communicate within a second through airwaves, travel long distances quickly in comparison to travel back then.
Share a table, a meal, a story and a blessing of peace. They gave us the early lesson that we must learn to coexist to find Peace. Yoga tradition teaches "we are one" , we are only as good as our weakest link. So, wish the best for others and notice the shift within yourself.
Peace Player,
Fusion Owner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, R.N.